
Bishop's Message

Bishop's Message

I deem it my proud privilege to speak and greet you through this website. I would like to express my affectionate greetings and blessings to the Managing Director, Assistant Managing Director, Financial Administrator, Staff Members, Milk Agents, Farmers, Suppliers and our pride end Customers.

Today, the Apple Product Guide is doing remarkable services and contributing a lot to the society which emphasizes our core values. In the current widespread of unforeseen challenges, the NIDD understands that meeting customer's requirements is essential by embracing both scientific knowledge and cutting edge technologies combined with compassion and service-mindedness.

The real goal of our business is not for profit, but we are working together with a humanitarian mission aimed at a socially, economically and ecologically sustainable community development. Also, I would like to make a special note of our products we manufacture with high quality and there can be no compromises, no excuses when it comes to ethics and integrity.

I can say that the years we experienced in the past two decades are significant by that we intensively deliver our excellent service to focus on best quality products and zeal to make new products through continuous Research and Development (R&D) will always drive us forward to pave the way that leads to competitive advantage in the market.

Finally, I have no words to express my profound appreciation and gratitude for all your selflessness and attitude of service and I wish you all to make our brand “Apple Product Guide” beyond the boundaries, by that we can help the community to rise to great and glorious heights.

May god bless you all.

Most Rev. Jose Anandh D.D., STD,
Archbishop of Madurai

Managing Director’s Message

Managing Director’s Message

Our Apple Product Guide Milk Plant is Marching towards Silver Jubilee, Since its' inception from the year 2000. All product of its' viz... milk, milk products, agro products.... being produced with a mission of quality and service. In the recent years, more developmental activities are being carried out in order to achieve its' objectives. With a clear vision, healthy and quality products are being marketed and the customers are very much satisfied. Apple Product Guide milk also renders services in other sectors, welfare schemes, through its' sister concern institutions. While thanking you all for your patronage may I ask of your continuous support ....

Managing Director

Financial Administrator’s Message

Financial Administrator’s Message

I am very much gratified to highlight the performance and accountability of Apple Product Guide relates to our mission entrusted to us. As I look back on the last two decades there is a period of profound changes. It is highly remarkable how much we are accomplished not only in terms of financial performance but also our contributions to the society.

Our corporate governance giving priorities in an investment in the creation of intangible and tangible assets such as brands, research and developments, digitalization, human resources, supply chains, facilities etc and our disciplined financial strategies and decision making process are maximizing company values.

Our existing business is executing well and on the other hand market conditions are becoming more challenging due to the global economic downturn triggered by the new corona virus pandemic. Looking ahead, we closely monitor the situation and respond accordingly with whatever measures are needed.

Though we grow faster, we are always socially conscious and address social issues through CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) and resolve the issues by making them an integral part of our business operations. We continue our focus and remain committed to maximizing the effectiveness of our business and their benefit to the society.

Our quality governance practices delivered on the commitments and our finance function lead to greater heights due to the outstanding teams in our company that I am proud to lead.

Finally, I thank all our stakeholders for your goodwill and assistance.

Financial Administrator

Deputy General Manager Message

Deputy General Manager Message

The Apple Product Guide is running accordance with the system of producing clean milk, well equipped plant and machinery and qualified experienced professionals confirms the Good Manufacturing Practices, Good Maintenance Practices, Good Hygienic Practices, and Good Laboratory Practices. Now we got ISO 22000:2018 certification to boost our existing system in Food Safety. The statutory and regulatory compliances we follow give value addition in our system and we mainly focus on products quality which ultimately reflects in the satisfaction of customers.

R.Ram Kumar
Deputy General Manager